Why Eating Honey Can Be Both A Blessing And A Curse.
Views:866 | By: Alice
Why Eating Honey Can Be Both A Blessing And A Curse.
Do you know the effects of consuming a large quantity of honey?

Honey is packed with more than 180 nutrients, including sugars, proteins, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and active enzymes.

According to research and medicinal reports, honey helps the body get its nutrients. It stimulates metabolism, boosts immunity and resistance, and reduces the risk of numerous diseases by eating every day.

However, It is advisable not to take more than two teaspoons per day.

Glucose and fructose are the two significant sugars found in honey.

In 100 grams of sugar, there are approximately 35 grams of glucose, 40 grams of fructose, and 2 grams of sucrose.

Both glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, meaning they can be taken without being processed by the body.

However, If you consume too much honey, the additional sugar will be converted to fat, increasing your chances of becoming obese.

Honey has a glycemic index of 58. It is a high-glycemic-index meal despite having a lower glycemic index than sugar; hence blood sugar levels might quickly spike if you consume too much honey.
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