Top business strategy for growing a small\medium-sized business
Views:1100 | By: Isaac
Top business strategy for growing a small\medium-sized business
Are you out there the master mind of your business struggling with it trying to make it grow bigger and better and yet you have not made any progress?
Maybe you are just doing it the wrong way, or else doing it the right way in the wrong time, for the wrong people and at the wrong place.

Let us look at the top strategy one can use to make a difference, not only a difference but also a bigger difference.

Market development.

This is where you interact with customers, people in the specific area you have situated your business, listen to there interests, notice the scarcity of a certain product, identify the rate of exploitation that these customers undergo due to monotonous of some businesses in the area, plan and implements your solutions.

Some of solutions you can take are; provide the commodities of interest and in large quantities of the best quality, ensure that the scarce products are available in large quantities and then try to decrease the cost of your sales to about 3% down from other similar dealers of same products respectively.

By doing so, you will have applied three essential skills in business growth. These are,
•Business development by making available of the scarce commodities
•Market penetration by lowering the cost of your products just below other dealers.
•Product development by having new, of high quality and more products.

Try this and thank me later.
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