Too good to let go
Views:807 | By: Benson
Too good to let go
Everyone has something they would rather not let go, for me, it's the apple. The fruit is as good as they come, whether you have it sliced or whole, it is tasty and smooth. I cannot not have it.

In a world where people are trying to let go things like cigarettes, liquor and meat among others, why would some stuff be impossible to let go?

Most great stuff have some sort of long term benefits;

# They enhance you.
# They watch over you or your health.
# They make you stronger.
# They self regulate intake. ( I cannot take 10 apples at a go, the second always be like "Take the other tomorrow" :) ).
# They look the part.
# They are consistent. ( On a day you munch a bad apple, you understand it may have been dropped/hit/something by someone ).
# They grow you.

That is how the apple made it and stays in my "too good to let go" list. Who or What is in your list, is there a someone and what makes them too go to let go?
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