Too beautiful to not have
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A few years ago, I visited the Maasai Mara during the great wildebeests migration and happened to share a tour van with a guy who had travelled all the way from India just to come witness the migration. He told me seeing such many wildebeests migrate was such a beautiful magnificent wonder, whatever he said never meant so much until yesterday when I took a walk around the neighborhood.
Some things are just too beautiful to miss out on, people smiling, others having great conversations, birds singing, wind blowing, clouds moving, kids playing, everything looked so beautiful. I decide to close my eyes to tell if the beauty would depart with the sight, it did not. Sooner or later, we realize the beauty is within us, the way we perceive things and how we interact with them. When my eyes were closed, I hit a rock and even though that was painful, it felt beautiful because I chose to learn from it.
Next time you hear some birds singing, have some really inspiring thoughts, meet a kind person, see a cute cat, feel a cool breeze, do something good or be an honest friend, that’s beautiful and so are you. The ability to feel, see, think and imagine beauty is the heart of beauty itself.
As you live, may you enjoy the beauty within and around you.