The Relationship Between Dirty Veins And Chronic Diseases.
Views:811 | By: Alice
The Relationship Between Dirty Veins And Chronic Diseases.
Did you know that 9 out of 10 chronic diseases thought to be incurable are caused by “dirty” vessels?

Now you know.

High blood pressure, alongside heart attack, and even stroke are caused by cholesterol-contaminated vessels. 

According to health experts, most old age diseases, e.g., poor eyesight and memory loss, are as a result of filthy vessels.

The experts say vessels, which are the largest organs, are responsible for 90% of our body’s health.

Diseases caused by dirty vessels

Hypertension, which causes heart attacks and strokes.

Varicose veins

Fingernails that are stiff and grow inside the fingers

Poor vision and seeing flying flies in the eyes.

Blockage of the liver’s blood vessels.

Amnesia and dizziness are caused by poor brain circulation. 

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