The Effects of Drug Misuse: The Road to Recovery.
Views:1116 | By: Alice
The Effects of Drug Misuse: The Road to Recovery.
Do you or a loved one suffer from drug addiction? If the answer is yes, this is for you. Misuse of drugs can have a significant negative influence on your physical and emotional health, as well as your relationships.

For many Kenyans, witnessing various types of drug users showcasing their vicious sides on the streets is no longer news. From gentle addictions to serious addictions, there’s something for everyone. Fear has dissolved to the point where practically everyone is doing something bizarre, from smoking cancer sticks to drinking beer, sniffing tobacco and glue, chewing miraa, or smocking bhang.

According to a drug specialist I interviewed for this article, Dr. Ben Okite of Malindi Stamphord Hospital in Saba Saba area. a significant number of Kenyans, particularly the youth, are succumbing to drug addiction for different reasons.

According to Ben, for some, using drugs would seem like an easy way to escape reality and get away from things that are going on in their lives. However, when they rely on narcotics to get through the day or in every situation, it can be lethal and a problem and can cause people to feel hopeless and lost in their addiction.

Adverse Effects of drug misuse.

The brain and other key organs in the body can be harmed by drug use. Addiction leads to undesired behaviors, which often leads to misery and alienation from family and friends. Besides, it can affect your emotional state of mental well-being besides your physical health.

Many drug addicts go through withdrawal, which is a painful process with side effects like shaking, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and depression, among others. As Dr. Ben puts it, addicts and those close to them should seek professional help as soon as possible, as failing to do so will only aggravate the effects.

The road to recover

If you or someone you love is battling addiction, you may wonder what you can do. There are many options available to assist you along your path, including counseling and rehabilitation.

You should figure out what approaches work best for you. You may, for example, enroll in a substance misuse treatment that aids people in overcoming their addictive tendencies. remember recovery doesn’t happen overnight, but it gets better with time and effort.


Misuse of drugs has long been an issue, and it has been on the rise for decades. In today’s society, drugs are more available than ever before, and many people are experiencing addiction.

It is critical to get expert help to recover from drug abuse. People can get the treatment they need to recover from drug addiction with the help of a team of addiction professionals.

Ultimately, there is hope for addicts who want to reclaim their life. And with the right help, they can do it.

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