The age of innocence
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Becky |
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Ever wonder how the simplicity of children's thinking makes life easy to live. Many of us would love to be children again. To experience life in simple tones and smiles. To wake up and have someone looking after our every need. Factors we took for granted as we grew up. The funny thing is it had not changed. Children still have the same support and innocence that we had as children. But have they become fragile beings that need constant polish and support.
As the years go by we see children's innocence snatched away earlier each year. Their childhood was reduced to challenges. Did we have the same experience? Did we have the same opportunities? Very often we as parents have told our children do you know how easy you have it. When I was your age????. The true value of a child's innocence is not based on the improvements that have come up but the ability to allow them to create their story.
Yes, our children are fragile beings that need to be polished. As the world became a global village a great deal of culture shock was introduced into the world. The challenges we face became obsolete creating new challenges and experiences. As a child, I was a girl who could walk out and play. Our holidays were based on playing in teams. We cooked meals from metal cans and enjoyed the meals. But in each of these activities, I realize now that we had guardian angels and protectors. Our parents took responsibility for hundreds of children. Not related by birth but by the environment. If any child was in harm's way the whole village (necessarily estate) would rise to their duty. Therefore my mother and father did not need to be around for me to receive the discipline or support I needed.
What difference do we now have? Have we broken society? Unfortunately as a society we lost trust in each other and have been unable to recreate a system that birthed three generations of Kenyans. As the years went by life became more advance while loose the infinite values that made the society a community. Children became property in which only the parents could question. Values became lost and dangers began to appear. As time went by we have realized those we once trust have turned out children into prey. Make it necessary for each individual to hind in their respective corners.
The innocence we once faced has now faded away and become a danger to our children. How do we correct this loss? As we move forward one thing is clear the values we all had as children have been challenged but they still play a large role in the development of well-rounded adults. It is therefore important that each parent replicate these values and instill them in their children while building a support system in which your children will always feel they can speak up.
Parenting is a relationship like any other that needs nurturing and care. Find a balance that allows your children to communicate with you when feeling down or happy.