Skin care tips
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The skin covers 100% of the body but play a major role in the protection of the body as well as ecstatic beauty of a person. Although the skin covers every part of the body it plays many roles and needs extreme care and support to ensure its healthy development. The health of the skin utilizes a major part of a person?? time. This is because a scratch of the skin can lead to loss of blood, an infection or depletion of beauty. As a person grows, they learn more information on how to take care of their skin. The care and treatment of the skin is based on the wants and need of each individual. What is clear is the ability to care for the skin plays a major role in the esteem of a majority of young individual.
The skin care routines that are simplest and most effective are
1. Limited shower times. The extensive use of hot water can lead to depletion of body oils causing dry skin
2. Use of mild soaps. Soaps can clear out all the existing oils in the body to dry up
3. When drying the face, one should avoid rubbing it dry rather they should pat dry
4. Use sunscreen to protect the skin from dangerous rays
5. Moisturise the face to avoid extreme dryness.
6. Eating a healthy diet can ensure skin health
7. Drink adequate water to help hydrate the body as well as clean toxic substances out of the body
8. Manage stress effectively. Uncontrolled stress affects the skin leading to acne and pimple breakouts
Although these tips can help an individual improve the health of the skin it is important to note that some case may need medical intervention. Some care routines are personalized and often cannot be replicated by all. But the most important thing is to know that "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".