Nothing is permanent
Views:693 | By: Maureen
Nothing is permanent
There is nothing permanent in this life. Not even life itself. No matter how big and strong you are, you will not carry yourself to your grave. So always be humble.

Death is coming day after the other. When you listen to today's news, you realize that people are killing each other without worries. It has become a normal thing in the country. All those died, they left behind life.

It's good to look for a better way on how to solve your issues. Just keep it simple. Life is not permanent, you shouldn't take everything so serious. You have to understand that everyone has their own unique way of solving and dealing with issues. Be patient and be kind. Learn to listen and think before you do something. Killing the one who wronged you, won't solve anything.

Everybody is fighting their own personal issues. Everyone is trying to get ahead and to rewrite their story. Always be happy, enjoy your life and don't let anything or any issue ruin your happiness. Don't waste time holding grudges and hating. Show love always and be happy. Nothing is permanent.
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