Life lessons from my pet
Views:692 | By: Becky | Act: Visit Business
Life lessons from my pet
Dogs are identified as man's best friend. This is a statement that has stood the test of time. In society majority of villages homes have a dog that plays the role of a security guard. Growing up we had a dog 'spotty'. His role was quite clear to keep watch at night and rest all day.
Although these duties were clear cut, my brother had a different role for spotty during the holidays. The one major role my brother believed in was to show every other dog owner that his dog was the scariest. This involved allowing spotty to run after cats as well as girls. This activity on its own turned me into a couch potato. As time went by spotty took his role more seriously and could scare on prompt making him more dangerous than before but also he became more aware of intruders and the family.
These few things showed that he could be trained and controlled without the constant need to lock him up. This was an impressive lesson to me. It helped me learn that dogs were loyal creators.
But as time went by he also slipped up. I remember bringing home 6 little rabbits ready to raise them only for spotty to slaughter them at night. I was devastated but how spotty was handled made me realize that he was not only a pet but a family member. Spotty was punished through a thorough beating all the while being told how mannerless it was of him to eat my pets. You could see the sadness in his eyes. He sat beside the little rabbits looking grimly at them. At that very moment, I learned that he knew better but was trained to be a predictor through games. As a result, spotty suffered due to the conflicting roles he had learned. But in the end, he still stood by and took care of us. Yes, trust was earned and discipline was instilled.
In life, those amongst us we love can be related through blood or friendship but one major part of our relationship is a trust value. We took care of a dog and in return, it took great care of us. This loyalty was earned. Showing that each action has a reaction. We reap what we sow. Invest in your relationships and they will pay back in times of need.
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