How the sun can damage hair and how to protect it
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Becky |
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The sun produces UV rays that can damage the out covering of the hair. although the UV rays reflect on a small portion of the hair exposure and inadequate treatment of the hair can cause distraction of the top layers of the hair as well as skin. These rays are unhealthy and often uncontrolled during hot sunny days. so how can we prevent the destruction of the hair and keep healthy hair?
Their different things an individual can do to protect the hair from the UV rays. here are three tips
#1. Avoid harsh direct heat from hair management procedures.
During hair treatment and management often individuals use heat to dry and straighten hair. during this process, the hair is often stripped of the existing hair protection leaving it exposed. At this point, the hair can further deteriorate due to strong sun rays. to avoid increased destruction avoid excessive heat on the hair.
#2 trim hair often
The thought that an individual would partake in cutting one's hair once in a while does not always go well with many hair lovers. Although the role of trimming is not popular, trimming the hair helps get rid of unhealthy split ends that expose the hair to the direct sun. when trimmed the hair follicles are therefore protected from further destruction. Trimming seems like a reduction of hair it is utilized to split ends that do not expose the inner layers of the hair thus protecting it from sun damage. Therefore remember to schedule a trim every few months to rebuild the hair integrity.
3#. Keep a healthy scalp
Hair grows through the scalp and often covers the scalp creating protection but in some cases, the scalp is affected. By protecting the scalp how do we benefit the hair? when looking after the scalp we can establish better healthier hair. so to be able to have healthy hair it is necessary to moisturize the scalp by providing it with ample oil. This helps ensure that the scalp does not have direct exposure to the sun.
Looking at hair care, one thing is clear, healthy hair can promote a healthy lifestyle. It is therefore important the establish a self-serving routine, ensuring full health benefits.
Remember "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."
Audrey Lorde