How can you satisfy human beings?
Views:709 | By: Maureen
How can you satisfy human beings?
The guy was married to a single mother, who they later separated. The guy had a child in a previous relationship but his child was not with him.

So when they moved in together with the mother as a couple, she came with her son. The guy loved the kid as his own. He pampered the kid that everyone who came across them knew that the guy was the kid's biological father. He took the child to a good school, pampered him with gifts and everything he wanted.

The woman was the jumpy type. The kind who never at home. So the kid was spending more time with his step father.

The guy continued loving and spoiling the kid with gifts and attention. The mother was in a jokingly manner complaining that the guy has negleted her for the child. In the beginning the guy thought his woman was just pulling his leg. At the back of his mind he thought by loving the kid, the woman will appreciate his love for her but that was not the case.

Later when they separated, the guy figured everything out, that the woman was jealousy of her own child.
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