How are dental and vision health important to overall health
Views:667 | By: Isaac
How are dental and vision health important to overall health
Did you know that oral problems can affect the rest of your body?

Like many other parts of the body, your mouth harbours a lot of bacteria which are either normal flora or else ingested as you take food or when your mouth come into contact with dirty substances. Their multiplication is restrained by daily brushing and flossing using toothpastes. That means lack of proper hygiene tends to make it a good breeding site for these bacteria hence multiplication.

Some of heart affecting conditions that are common in the wards or else at home they are as a result of bad oral health. Example are, just to mention a few;

Endocarditis which is the inflammation of inner lining of the heart which is as a result of the bacteria spreading through the bloodstream and attaching themselves to this inner linings.

Diabetes which occurs after an inflammation in the mouth from periodontal(gum disease) disease which begins to weaken the body's ability to utilize insulin and process sugar in the body to convert them into energy.

Other conditions that may be brought by poor oral health are, cancer, that is oropharyngeal and pancreatic cancer, dementia, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand visual health and regular checkups may save you from a very big problem or in other words it may show other differential diagnosis and ruling other unseen conditions like tumors, aneurysms, hypertension, glaucoma, liver disease, diabetes, cancers like ocular melanoma and retino blastoma. All these are evident by the look of the blood vessels found in the eyes.

People always tend to overlook some body parts and think they are of no importance or else they have no much impact on the general health of the body. That's very different from reality. One step mistake you mess up everything.

Let's maintain oral health and also have regular eye checkups for the betterment of our health.
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