Grit Will Take You There
Views:738 | By: Benson
Grit Will Take You There
The last time I set a short term goal, I packed water, fruits and an extra pair of an outfit in a little back pack. The idea was to cycle for 100 kms. At first, it occurred I might have to spend at some motel, I didn't think I had it in me to complete the round trip. The interesting thing is I was back at my place by 15:00 same day.

The goal was short and it actually didn't push me to the edge, neither did it prepare me to win a race. If you're planning to win a race, you need a long term goal and that's where grit comes in. It's the concept of choosing something we are passionate about, having perseverance, setting and following through with the long term goals.

Whatever it is you want to do or wherever there is you want to go, grit will take you there as long as you take care of all it requires on you.

Remember to break down your long term goals into smaller daily/weekly tasks, you cannot cycle across the continent in a day.

Enjoy the ride!
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