From the mouth of babes
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Becky |
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Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou established strength, Because of thine adversaries, That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger (Psalms:8:2). The memory verse above represents a great deal of knowledge of how much value children give to us. Although children are born to the world to bless us they also play as guides to us and provide wisdom and comfort to those in need.
Recently I realised that a major part of my day-to-day plan is established through the need to constantly include or accommodate children. But that's an inaccurate observation. My son has taught me that he accommodates me in his world.
During one visit to his grandparents my son went out shopping with his grandfather. During the time we were all happy to know he was under the care of his grandfather. No worries were raised as the day went by we all expected an experience that was normal and happy. Only to have an entertaining night.
Their day was eventful if not indicative. At that point, my father was dealing with a cataract issue. This made his vision blurry creating a more cautious traveling buddy. As they took their time around the mall, my son was bubbling a little bit with eyes for every toy in the world. Up until it was time to go home. As they walked towards a crossing point my son stopped his grandfather to caution him.
"Grandpa, please hold on" expecting to tie a shoe lace, his grandfather stopped. The next statement shocked everyone around him. Grandpa, you need to be careful, unaware of why to be cautious his grandfather got curious. What happened next was educative if not humorous. "Grandpa, you know your blind, you cannot see the road nicely, please hold my hand I guide you through". The shock his grandfather faced was complimented by those around them forming a line to support this supposed blind man. As he held his hand to help him cross. The only thought my father could have was how can I solve this issue.
Cataracts are indeed dangerous since they impair the sight of a person. This little one even pushed my father towards a treatment plan. Out of the mouth of babes comes blessings. This little lesson thought me that children can express their fear better. This statement on its own created a need to look at the problem rather than ignore it. This resulted from an experience that a child observed. Making it clear that children run the world.