From negativity to positivity..nurses lives and the community views.
Views:650 | By: Isaac
From negativity to positivity..nurses lives and the community views.
If only you were faced by the same circumstances as they always are when they react or make the decisions they make, probably you could have been a little less judgemental and a lot more empathetic.

Its disgusting to see that the whole community is always against the nurses claiming that they are always rude, offensive, heartless and empathetic, which to me it is just negativity and the beliefs of the corrupted minds of the society we live in.

How I wish we can be given a chance to fit in their shoes, have a chance to handle more than countable patients with different conditions, some without hope of life, psychosis, some in real pain to shock, some in the denial stage of death, emergencies reported one after the other and several with poor prognosis of which you really can't tell about the real course of the condition.

Its doleful to hear old women and men, with all due respect attacking our nurses in the hospitals calling them names whereas they are still in line waiting for their services.

It's the high time we be educated and try to see the positive side of our health care workers, pray for them everytime as many are fighting depression. Many of them are overwhelmed by work and working hours which leave them with no time for their families nor their life as a person.

Fatigue is their order of the day making them even lose appetite for food, see everything not working in their lives and always hoping for the best, the best that never happens.

Night shifts, on calls that never end, no vacation, no social life, no time for own happiness but a long tight schedule it's the only thing they know in life. Fortunately, they love their work, they enjoy seeing people heal and go home at peace after recovery and others rest in peace after a long fight with a condition that no one knows about its prognosis. Though disgusting to lose, it also makes them strong to keep on pushing.

Finally, let's hold hands together, pray and support our health officers who always work tirelessly to satisfy our and our patients needs. With love let's help fight COVID 19 by:
?wearing face masks.
?washing our hands with soap and sanitization.
?keeping social distances.
?avoid overcrowded places.
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