Views:695 | By: Maureen
About 1 week ago, my neighbour asked me for the internet password. I gave it to him because it didn't cost me anything and also he was a good neighbour.

Yesterday I was walking home and he was on his door. I stopped to talk to him as usual. He happily told me he had had netflix. I jokingly said "I work hard barely have time to watch Tv, but it's great if you could lend me your password to watch some shows I'd appreciate".
A voice was heard from a distance. It was his wife sitting in the car. " we can't give it to her because I'm the one who pays and I can't share it." The wife said angrily.

The man apologized subheading. I said there was no problem and we kept talking about other things.

After about an hour, my neighbour was still basking outside his house. His wife came out to call him. She seemed very nervous and upset at the same time. I was lighting my jiko outside my house so I heard and saw everything they were doing.

The wife told his husband that the television wasn't working. My neighbour came near me together with his wife and told me the network wasn't working, that the password was not going in.

I looked at them and said, "I have my network and you have your Netflix. Leave me and my password alone, I leave your Netflix alone". They turned around and left without uttering any word.

Lessons learnt:

- Friendship must be mutual.

-Love must be mutual.

-Affection must be mutual.

-No more unidirectional feelings.

-Feelings must be mutual.
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