Focus on your goals and work for it
Views:690 | By: Maureen
Focus on your goals and work for it
Does other people's success make you envious? Success is an outcome of effort. If someone becomes successful, it is the result of their hard work .

When someone achieves success, most people fall to notice their effort. All they see is their achievement, fame or status. Some people become so envious that they become negative towards them and find ways to bring them down.

The truth is that, when we focus more on what others have achieved, we focus less on what we want. The less we focus on our goals, the less our chances of success.

Remember some things are worth waiting for. Some things take time, so don't rush it. Don't force it. Let it happen on it's own. Let it find you when you're ready. Let it be a part of your life when your heart and mind are clear.

Only then will it bloom, only then will it work out for you, so be patient with those you love , with the dreams you chase , with anything you feel and with your own life.

Just remember to always keep your heart open. Everything that's meant for you will find you.
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