Creating positive relationship between parents and children
Views:689 | By: Maureen
Creating positive relationship between  parents and children
When the word parenting is mentioned, many people think about taking children to school, paying school fees on time, supporting school programs, telling the children to clear assignment and advising them which friend to keep and which to drop.

Those who grew in 80's are the parents today. Then, there was no social media. Any parent could discipline any child in the village. Today things are different. Teenagers ought to be encouraged, understood and not to be shouted at. They need to be given facts and figures not commands.

Fathers, when was the last time you sat down with your 21 years old boy and talked about sex before marriage? Mother, when did you sit down last with your high school girl and discussed about adolescence and virginity?

Sex is a topic that many parents feel uncomfortable talking about with their kids. Infact, they would not even want to know it. If you tell parents that their form three girl had her first sexual engagement two years ago will they refuse or agree? Most will tell you to mind your own business.

It is true, you cannot manage the sexual life of your child but you can help. Instead of telling your campus student to avoid sex, tell them to avoid sex before marriage but if they must do it, they should always use protection.

Children are making wrong decisions because they lack information. Most parents put all the baggages of their children to schools and religious institutions. As a parent, you need to put yourself in your child's shoes. Tell them about adolescence and how to cop with it.

Parents, don't fight when your children are watching. It lowers their self-esteem
and confidence

Ordinary parents tell, good parents explain, super parents demonstrate while extra ordinary parents inspire. In 21st century,
parenting is about attendance, not just presence

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