Babies brain development in the first year of life.
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Its during the first year postpartum that the development off the brain doubles. This is essential to the growth of the baby to help in control of their body parts, glands and also in movement.
This is what we call milestones medically
To be able to notice and study your little one's growth and development, just look and be keen enough on how your baby reacts to external stimuli and also the improvement in growth generally.
Someone may ask me what are milestones within the first year of growth.
They are categorised into 5 classes, these are;
?Emotional and social development
?Language development
?Sensory and motor development.
Maybe for better understanding, these are some of the activities your child should be able to do at the specified months.
1 month-Social smile.
2 months-Head holding and control.
3 months-Turns towards origin of the sound.
5-9 months-Sitting and extending hand to grasp.
7-12 months-Standing.
12-18 months-Walking.
9-24 months-Talking.
This being just a breakdown or a brief explanation, it shows how a normal developing brain should function..
Incase of any delayed milestone, seek medical advice as it could be as a result of mechanical or hypoxic causes during birth which leads to underdevelopment of the brain or in other words retarded growth. This is bad as in severe cases it may cause even paralysis.