A winning culture
Views:746 | By: Benson
A winning culture
It has been a few weeks since I attended a lecture by one of those geek professors, these guys get you glued to the content and you wonder what took you so long to get to them. He was taking us through a case study about how a certain organisation managed to get a project done so well and efficiently while applying methods anyone can learn and use.

The project was not done using any rocket science techniques, neither was it done by any robots. The success started way before none of the bricks were picked by ensuring the culture was right and ethically healthy. How was it done?

These are the four areas that the project leads got so right;

# Training locals on the skills gaps while fostering good relationships with foreigners.
# They hired locally which made the local team so bought into the ideas that they put all they had into it.
# Sourcing regionally where there did not need re-inventing the wheels.
# Maintaining dignity in the community by providing skills and work that was more important to the locals and enabled them earn a living respectfully.

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it?
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