A treasure is safe in the hands of whoever values it.
Views:833 | By: Benson
A treasure is safe in the hands of whoever values it.
Have you ever seen a car so ancient yet far in shape that the latest models look pathetic, I bet we all have. I had a chat with one of those ancient classic car owners and this is what he had to say, "A treasure is safe in the hands of whoever values it".

We spent an hour together and most of it, he was explaining what he meant. He said if I assembled all the things that were beat up, all the people that were left out, all the places that are caved in, all the houses that were roofed down, all the ships that were ruined… I will find one thing in common, the owner was long gone.

He said the owner does not have to be the person who bought it or brought it to life in the first place, it is the person who knows the value of what they have and that knowledge is what makes him or her care enough to keep it precious.

Now we know or don’t we?.
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