7 Habits to push your productivity a notch higher.
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If you ever write down 20 tasks to do in a week only to end up finishing 15, you are not alone, I do that all the time and here are some ways that are working for me in pushing my productivity higher.
#1 Sleeping enough - According to hopkinsmedicine.org "A healthy amount of sleep is vital for 'brain plasticity,' or the brain's ability to adapt to input".
#2 Having a good breakfast.
#3 Exercising at least 3 times a week.
#4 Removing distractions in the workspace.
#5 Having less meetings.
#6 Saying no often - Not every request that hits your inbox should get a yes, saying no to most means saying yes to your scheduled tasks.
#7 Starting tasks one at a time even if you have not figured out all it takes to finish them.
Some more on The Science of Sleep: