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The Maasai Culture and Tradition
The Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic community ( meanin...
To the puppet, the puppeteer is the puppet.
A puppet, one of ancient form of theatre to enter...
Beauty and Abilities Dilemma
Why does society reward vanity and beauty over rea...
A Minute Into The Future
A period of time following the moment of speaking ...
What Is Racism?
What does racism exactly mean?

I came across this piece of art and it just caught...
Recent Posts
Achievable goals
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Precious friend, precious deal
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The power of gratitude
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Food poisoning during this festive season
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Clear Night Sky with Magnificent Stars
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A child's first teacher
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Ulcer, peptic
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What if Day and Night Became Places
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My cravings for grandparents sweet love
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