You Found Your Heaven Alive
Views:732 | By: Benson
You Found Your Heaven Alive
There are almost 8 billion of us on Earth right now and this is the year 2022, covid-19 is about two years old and it might not last two more and even if it does, humanity will beat it and put it in the past where it belongs.

Last night I sliced my little finger while cutting a carrot, it was painful but that did not keep me from having the carrot, I had it gracefully and with gratitude, compared to covid, slicing a finger is like a pinch of sugar down into the ocean but even covid didn't take away all the smiles in the world, the gratefuls community goes on, we carry the energy wherever we go and maybe even death will smile back at us when we finally meet it.

If you are one of the gratefuls, you already found your heaven alive.

Keep rocking you and spreading that attitude wherever you go.
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