Stories That Build
You deserve better
Views:532 | By: Maureen
You deserve better
After everything you've been through, you deserve to be free. You deserve to be appreciated. Also you deserve to be loved the same way you love. You deserve a good person just like you. Someone who understands what sacrifice is all about.

After everything you have been through, all the pain, lies and all the mind games that have led you to depression, that have led you to anxiety and sleepless nights.
Isn't it time to let go of everything that hurt you? Of course is the right time to stand strong, wipe your tears and start all over again.

You deserve to be your own king / queen . you have to keep going and leave the heaviness aside. You have to love yourself, to set your own heart in fire, to breath at your own pace, to let go if you want it that way and to love whom you deserve to love.

After everything you've been through, you owe this to yourself.
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