There Is More To Taking a Cab
Views:731 | By: Benson
There Is More To Taking a Cab
Ever acquired a new habit and wondered how you got there? Well, there is always a reason, be it good or bad. Lately, I have slid into the habit of taking Uber rides even for the shortest distances around the city. 6 chances out of 10, I get to be driven by a really interesting driver and am getting attached. Some of these guys have quite fascinating perspectives on things in different walks of life, here are the two I cannot keep off my mind;

#1 I was driven by this old guy and when we got at the entrance of some estate, the security guard did not check us. I found that strange so I asked him why we did not get checked. This is what he said, it is attitude, they check when their attitude is right for checking.

# 2 The lady driver, quite well spoken and relaxed. I told her I was excited to be driven by her and she asked why, I said It felt calm. When I alighted, she told me she is not normally calm, she just felt calm because that is what I brought along and that she adjusts according to situations.

May your rides be as fun and if you are a driver, we appreciate your insights.
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