The Snowball Effect
Views:1067 | By: Benson
The Snowball Effect
Every once in a while we all get a chance to do something new, it could be as complex as winking at a girl in the dark and expecting her to notice or as simple as just thinking about the word "think".

Well, let us get straight to the point. This is about the snowball effect. If you can, go out and practically do it otherwise just imagine this. You make a small snowball the size of a tennis ball then you push it down a 45 degrees slant hill. By the time it gets to the hill's foot, that ball will be big in direct relation to the distance it took to get there.

Away from the literally part of this, pick a book and read the first few pages and boom the snowball effect takes over, that is if you like the book so far. Same as when you strike a conversation with someone, if you two connect well, momentum takes over and on you go.

This doesn't just apply to the nice things, take up a possibly destructive habit like taking too much liquor and the snowball effect just takes over... the bigger it gets the faster it rolls, the more you drink the more you want to be drinking.

That my friend is the snowball effect, next time you want to be involved with it, enjoy the roll and hopefully it will be the good ride.

Happy Roll!
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