The impact of insomnia
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Insomnia is the inability to sleep, sleep enough, or inability to stay asleep. It's often associated with short bouts of sleep that leave an individual tired and overwhelmed. Although lack of sleep can be a normal occurrence to be able to class it as insomnia, it has to be a recurring event.
Insomnia is caused by different things but one major cause is stress. Stress impacts the body leading to the inability to sleep.
So how does lack of sleep impact a person's life insomnia causes untold harm to an individual? Some of the effects are fatigue, mood swings, forgetfulness, strains in relationships, low output. As they develop these effects affect more roles and can affect the mental and physical health of a person.
If facing this problem ensure that you become proactive in finding a solution before it takes a toll on the body. One major cause of insomnia is stress. when stress is managed insomnia may go away. so take a moment and assess your sleep patterns.