The Great Parts of Us
Views:731 | By: Benson
The Great Parts of Us
Is it just me or did everyone else notice how beautiful the world is when smiles are visible?

Well, I never used to appreciate them as much until the masks reign, the years 2022 and 2021 AC. Perhaps smiles are a great part of humanity and they maintain a healthy balance of some kind, maybe.

It reminds me of how long I have put cycling on hold, a whole long year, those evenings of fun, sweat, sun and sceneries were replaced by 3 hours lectures every other week day. I am not complaining, I have learnt new things, new ways of solving problems, new ways of thinking and made good friends. I must admit, I do miss them rides, some things we do become part of us, no matter how long we are made to go without them, when we do meet again, we embrace them because they are great parts of us.

In a few months time, my bike and I will be exploring the sceneries together, like we never had a break.
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