Views:761 | By: Alice
When sex talk in Africa sends you running for cover.

Do you recall the awkward moment every time the notorious condom advert hit your screen while you were with your parents watching?

The panic, tension, shame and the dead silence that encroach on the ambiance were enough to cause a cardiac arrest.

Everything would freeze and the silence grow louder as everyone dashes out in a lightning speed with a horror face caked in shame.

That’s how dirty sex is being perceived in Africa.

But, the African society needs to outwit this monster and be vocal to curb the impact of irresponsible sexual engagement in teenagers

Myths prohibit parent-child sex talk.

Clearly the silence has remained constant despite the world changing so fast.

Traditionally, any topic revolving around sex is being considered a taboo, making it impossible for parents to start parent -child sex talk.

As a parent, kill the assumption that only the married people engage in sexual activities since statistics say otherwise.

Report by the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey shows, 2 out of 10 girls aged between 15-19 are pregnant or have had a child.

Right time to discuss sex with your kid?

Sex is a sensitive topic, but it needs to be discussed with children at a young age. The earlier, the better.

Find a suitable way to discuss this issue amicable.

If you give your child the right information, you help them make informed decisions, hence make the best choice pertaining their sexuality.

The World Health Organization says risk behavior exposes the young generation to major health risk, adding that pregnancy and childbirth complications are the leading cause of death among girls aged 15-19 years.

Will the parent-child sex talk smash the vice?

Communication is key, and information is power. By talking to your child, you instill excellent knowledge that will come in handy easy the gravity of risky sexual behavior.

Apart from the adolescent pregnancy being a major contributor to maternal and child mortality, the teen mothers face other health risk and complication because of immature bodies.

Babies born to younger moms are also at risk

How to break the ice.

Put your game face on and talk to your child before anyone else does.

Lack of knowledge is worse than a ticking bomb, wrong information is worse than all weapons combined.

Parents should learn to use a language tailor made to pass the right information to their youngsters, leaving nothing to chance.

Way forward.

Take a reality check and accept the world has changed.

To halt the high pattern of risky sexual behavior that leads to teenagers’ pregnancies, unsafe abortion and high rate of HIV infection, catch up with the fast pacing world .

What is the right way to educate young the generation on the downside of irresponsible sexual behavior.?
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