Qualities to look in a leader in this general election
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Becky |
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The general elections will be held in approximately 31 days, making it a matter of concern. As time goes by we have a great number of people running for the presidential seat while other roles have great importance majority of the election process is rigged to support a given group. For instance, if a presidential candidate of choice belongs to party A is often assumed that all roles that follow will also be given to party A.
This trend provides a worry due to the no partisan choices a majority of voters use. This often means many are chosen due to affiliation rather than leadership qualities.
The main question arises what qualities do we look at when choosing a leader.
#1. The ability to take care of the masses
A great leader needs to be able to associate with both the rich and the poor. The best value of leadership will only be seen if a leader can ensure all members of society benefit irrespective of class.
2#Ability to accept defeat gracefully
One major problem faced in this country is the constant association of election results with rigging. Although cases of stolen elections will happen a good leader will not associate loss with stealing. It will be best if elections are associated with the people's will and observed with adequate respect.
3# A great leader in this general election establishes achievable goals. The current election has an interesting candidate who has outlined their manifestos. A large number of the promises are often not achieved after a term in office but one this is often clear. The plans that are often achievable tend to establish a baseline.
Some of the manifesto promises that have been outlined by certain candidates are ridiculous and extremely distracting.
As a voter one thing we all have to note is, that no matter who becomes president, they will serve the nation not the supporters. We can only pray for a free and fair election. But we can vote for a great leader.
Remember one vote, ur vote upholds the integrity of the process. Choose wisely