Habit is What Keeps You Going
Views:866 | By: Benson
Habit is What Keeps You Going
Books, lectures, videos, conferences, articles and good conversations are some of the things you might engage in to create and sustain your ethical, professional and moral compass yet little will be considered especially in urgent circumstances, it takes more than knowing to apply the earned knowledge.

If two people want to have a healthy relationship with their mom and both study about it, a girl who checks on her mom every weekend will do better compared to a busy body who calls randomly once in a while. So, how does she excel where the random caller does not? Habits, every weekend for her is an action week. Unless it is just for an exam, habits outdo memory every time.

As per Jim John "Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.", knowing what is for you, why, what to do, when and where is not enough, making it a habit will keep you true to the course when memory cannot. Go give your mom, dad some love, the way to secure your learnings is best through practice that yield habits.

Happy Habit-ing :)
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