Always be the good friend
Views:581 | By: Maureen
Always be the good friend
Depression is real!. It is charming, beautiful, inviting and gorgeous on the outside, but deep down are flames of anger, pain, mistrust, damaged self esteem, broken hearts and worthlessness.

You can say that you are someone's friend yet you don't know that they have gone without food for a day or two. You don't even know they have been to the hospital a couple of times after overdosing on pills or failed suicides. You have no idea that they are posting on social media because that's the only way they can communicate because you have not been THE FRIEND you said you're.

"I can't believe he/she committed suicide/dead". This is what most of us post in the social media trying to show that 'love' you had for your departed friend, whose life was robbed off of them by this monster DEPRESSION when you were busy ignoring them

You claim to be someones friend, call them and purpose to get past these boring formalities of " how are you doing " . we all know the answer to that is 'I'm good', of which 99% of I'm good texts is a lie. Make a point of knowing how they really are and what they are going through.

It's so sad knowing that we have lost our friends and families to depression a state we would have treated and save a life.
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