A deserved vacation
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Becky |
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Over the pandemic, one thing was publicized and drilled into our minds. That self-isolation was equal to safety. We avoided shopping malls, trips, public transport but most of the holidays. Vacations and travel were often identified as unnecessary and life-threatening. This was due to the danger covid presented. As the year went by self-isolation became harder and more depressing leading to the need to associate.
The tourism industry was highly affected as both local and international tourists were unavailable. Although the threat of COVID has not been erased it is clear that the need to socialize is important. Over the pandemic, we became aware that we are not an island that we cannot survive alone. The need to associate and grow has become clearer. We have discovered that without constant support and coexistence other challenges arrive.
One way of rebuilding our social ability is a well-deserved vacation. Yes, a drive out of the town just appreciates the scenery. Although vacations can be expensive, trips within the national parks and recreation centers can help re-establish social interaction. There is a need to appreciate oneself and visit a scenery that reflects how beautiful God's creation is. One thing the pandemic has taught us is that life is fragile and God's gift to us. Appreciate that you woke up today. Take a few days out of your schedule and travel. It can be a long trip on the standard gauge railway or a short trip to your local national park.
Treat yourself to a day of relaxation and appreciation. A moment of relaxation can provide a major appreciation for what's around the corner.